Engine Lubrication Service

What is this service?

Engine lubrication service, generally referred to as oil change, will include oil change and oil filter change if necessary per service manual.
If you do not specify, the package will include new crush washer for the drain bolt per most service manuals.

Service Includes


Will default to appropriate oil meeting service manual requirements.


Oil Filter

Will default to aftermarket oil filter available at Cycle Gear.

Will most likely be K&N

Crush Washer

Will default to aftermarket kit crush washer.

OEM crush washer available upon request
(shipping fee may be waived if requested at right times)

Labor/Misc. Fees

This includes service manual checks, parts acquisition, fairing removal and installation, oil changes, oil filter changes, and oil disposal fees.

$30 ~ $50 for most cases

How do I Perform A typical Oil Change work?

Step 1: Research and Parts Acquisition

Acquire appropriate documents and specifications, select and order compatible and optimal oil, oil filter, and other parts.

This often involves reading the service manual back and forth.

Step 2: Fairing Removal

If the bike is full or half-faired, it often is required for me to remove some bodywork to access the oil drain and/or oil filter.

Step 3: Oil/Oil Filter change

Arguably the most messy part of the job. Draining oil and removing oil filter filter, replacing with new oil and oil filter.

The drain bolt will be sealed with a new or like-new crush washer (will only use like-new if requested) and factory-specified torque specs.

The oil filter will be installed with factory-specified torque specs as well.

Step 4: Reassembly

Install any fairing that was removed to gain access to perform the work.

Step 5: Final Check

Oil level will be checked following the factory-specified procedure.

How to book/Things to know

Provide the YEAR/MAKE/MODEL of your motorcycle.
Confirm that you have swingarm spools installed on your motorcycle.

Some motorcycles may not be serviced if you do not have swingarm spools to use a rear stand.
I will be able to acquire and/or install swingarm spools, please let me know if the service is needed.

If you have preferred oil/oil filter/crush washer and/or if you are providing them, please let me know.
If you do not have a preference, it will be easier for me to source the items.